Experiment New Product Concepts, Technologies, ML Models, Connectivity, Analytics

Build POC to mitigate Product Development Challenges. Xenedge can develop rapid POC rapidly which can be used to evaluate and test new technolgoies, system integration approaches and test design asssumptions before commiting your engineering team and resource to a major Product development.

Edge Products need Configuration and Cloud Connectivity and Analytics. XenEdge can build Software and Cloud based Operational and Configuration Tools for POC

Concept Development

  • - Technical Risk Mitigation
  • - Technology Selection and Insertion
  • - Explore What if Scenarios
  • - Generate Design Alternatives
  • - Preliminary Architectural Concepts
  • - Performance Simulation

Build Demonstration Prototypes

  • - Prototype Development
  • - Demo Firmare Development
  • - Build Associated Software Tools
  • - Performance Validation
  • - Preliminary Architectural Concepts
  • - System Integration Studies